Literary Organizations

Lakes Area Writer’s Alliance
The Lakes Area Writers Alliance (LAWA) is a community literature arts non-profit organization that works to inspire, enrich and educate writers. Made up of an alliance of writers in the Brainerd Lakes Area of Minnesota, we believe in writers helping writers. We are continually striving for creative ideas to implement when thinking about what writers need, most of all, in their writing lives.

Jack Pine Writer's Bloc
The Jackpine Writers’ Bloc is native to Minnesota. They are a writing group as well as a publishing company. Their literary journal, The Talking Stick, has become a state-wide publishing ground for amateur and professional writers alike.

League of MN Poets: Brainerd Heartland Poets
HEARTLAND POETS is a group of Central Lakes Minnesota poets who meet on a monthly basis to share their love of writing and appreciating poetry. This group is dedicated to encouraging poetry in all forms and to insisting on poetic expression/vocalization in our region of the state.

Central Lakes College Verse Like Water
Verse Like Water is an ongoing celebration of great imaginative literature, and its purpose is to dream of being a first-class literary event for the Brainerd Lakes Region. As the premier reading series in the Midwest featuring only poets, Verse Like Water promotes reading, writing, and community building across the Brainerd Lakes region.

Screen Porch Productions
Screen Porch Productions is a project-based, artist-based, community-centered, rural arts organization without ‘brick and mortar’ to siphon off precious resources. They provide sustained opportunities to participate in the arts through our inclusive, inter-generational, and high-quality programs and projects. They provide artistic growth and development opportunities for area artists so they can expand their vision for the arts in our community and they cultivate community partnerships to strengthen our ability to better serve their large geographic, 100% rural area.

Book Ends | Wadena County Historical Society
A local historical society that binds the community through storytelling, art, history, and perseverance.